Missoula is defined by its people, landscapes, neighborhoods, and public spaces. Missoula’s vision for a people-centered environment sets the stage for the Our Missoula 2045 Land Use Plan (the Plan) and subsequent implementation tools.
Policy Themes
Focus Inward; Housing Choice and Access; Community and Quality of Life; Environmental Quality and Climate Resilience; Health and Safety; and Economic Health
Land Use Strategy
Land use planning continues to serve as the fundamental approach to ensure that the our community grows in a way that is representative of Missoula’s values, including a vision of growth and development that is sustainable and resilient, and a commitment to ensuring that Missoula is a community that is equitable and fair where all Missoulians can thrive.
Adoption and Amendments
The Land Use Plan is adopted, supplemented, reviewed and amended to remain relevant with changing conditions and emergent issues.
implementation focuses on coordination for improvements (through the Community Investment Program) to city public facilities and services, the approach to annexation, specific implementation strategies, and the need to monitor and evaluate progress. The identification of programs, activities, actions, or land use regulations are part of the overall strategy for implementing the Land Use Plan.